
32 posts

SHUTDOWN is in progress. Login failed for user ‘…’. Only administrators may connect at this time.

Today, one of my web sites went down and the application sent me an exception error message like “SHUTDOWN is in progress. Login failed for user ‘…’. Only administrators may connect at this time.” It worried me at first because I thought my web site was under some malicious attack caused the server to shut down. So I searched the Internet with the error message and it turned out that it had nothing to do […]

Fighting against spammers: my experiences

Started from June this year, I began to receive about 20 application error notifications every day via email from our church’s web site, which I have developed and have been maintaining ever since, indicating that “A potentially dangerous Request.Form value was detected from the client (txtAddress=”. Like many other applications involving membership, there is a registration form for church members to register so as to receive member-only services, such as receiving devotionals/newsletters via email, receiving […]