Monthly Archives: October 2019

2 posts

Fix ASP.NET Core application HTTP Error 500.30 ANCM In-Process Start Failure

Last week when I was working on an ASP.NET Core web application, suddenly I got an error like this: The common causes listed in the error message are quite vague and not very helpful. But fortunately, the link in the error message above to Microsoft’s documentation site provides some guidance on how to fix the error. I have to admit that the troubleshooting information in the error message or on Microsoft documentation site does not […]

Cannot create initial migration with dotnet ef command in .NET core

By Jason Groce –, Public Domain, Link The new .NET Core 3.0 was released on September 23, 2019, with lots of new features and new changes. Often times, those new changes will not cause any trouble but sometimes they do. And there is one specific change in this new update that will give you a headache if you update to .NET Core 3.0 without reading what has been changed in the new release, and […]