Monthly Archives: October 2017

2 posts

Identifier is null or empty error when adding stored procedure in entity framework data model

You can add database tables and stored procedures in your Entity Framework data model, but you may encounter an ArgumentException error in Visual Studio when adding a stored procedure: An exception of type ‘System.ArgumentException’ occurred while attempting to update from the database. The exception message is: ‘Identifier is null or empty’ The error message is confusing because the actual cause of this error is that the stored procedure does not have a return value. In […]

Session Cookie Does Not Contain the “Secure” Attribute

Recently we scanned one of our web applications by two famous source code analysis tools: Qualy’s Web Application Scanning tool and HPE’s Fortify Static Code Analyzer, but the results are different. Qualy’s WAS picked up one XSS security vulnerability and two information disclosure warnings, but HPE’s Fortify didn’t find anything vulnerable. It would be interesting to find out why, but I am not gonna cover that today. Today I would like to talk about one […]