Monthly Archives: January 2013

3 posts

Add days, months and years in JavaScript

This JavaScript function has been updated to better handle various scenarios, please check the new version here: In ASP.NET, you can easily use DateTime.AddDays(), DateTime.AddMonths(), or DateTime.AddyYears() function to get a new DateTime object, but in JavaScript, there is no such built-in function. Since it is very common you have to do some date calculation or validation in JavaScript, I decided to write my own JavaScript function to add days, months, and years to a […]

How to add Google plus button to your WordPress blog

In this post, I will show you how to add Google +1 button to your WordPress blog, but my tutorial involves modifying some theme files, so it depends on the theme you use. If you use a different theme, this tutorial still should give you some ideas which theme function to modify. My current theme is Admired Theme, so I will show you how to add Google +1 button to this theme after the blog […]

Switch to HostGator, again and permanent

Yeah, you read it right. I switched my hosting company from Arvixe back to HostGator after two years away from HostGator. Here is the history of my hosting company experience: First hosting company: IXWebHosting Reasons of leaving: All Windows web servers were running IIS 6 while other hosting companies were offering IIS 7 when I left. PHP mail() function was disabled so my blog didn't notify me of new comments Second hosting company: HostGator Reason […]