Monthly Archives: April 2012

3 posts

AJAX request timeout error

The default value of AJAX postback is 90 seconds, so if you have a long asynchronous postback, you will get an error as this: Sys.WebForms.PageRequestManagerTimeoutException: The server request timed out. The fix is to change the default timeout value to a larger value in your ScriptManger’s AsyncPostBackTimeout property (10 minutes as below): <asp:ScriptManager ID="ScriptManager1" runat="server" AsyncPostBackTimeout="600"> </asp:ScriptManager>

Invalid Parameter Binding error when using Oracle ODP.NET TableAdapter

If you use Oracle ODP.NET in Visual Studio 2010 (or earlier version) to create a DataTable by using TableAdapter wizard, you may get an Invalid Parameter Binding error if there is a parameter in your query. For example, this simple select query below can cause the error: select * from Person where personId=:person_uid The cause is strange because ODP.NET cannot recognize the parameter’s DbType and thus sets the DbType of the parameter to Object, so […]

ASP.NET Forms Authentication Blocks Images and CSS Files

If you use the ASP.NET Forms Authentication in your web application that runs on IIS 7 or above with the integrated pipeline application pool, you may find that the images and the styles of your application are not displayed until you are logged in (authenticated). If you encounter this problem, here is the solution to fix it. First, let me take one step back to explain why the problem happens. If you look at your […]