Monthly Archives: May 2010

2 posts

Outlook 2010 Quick Steps Help Organize Your Email Better and Faster

I bet every Outlook user knows how to create rules in Outlook to help organize email, and Outlook 2010 extended this feature by adding a new feature called “Quick Steps” to help user organize email even better and faster. The Quick Steps feature allows user to predefine a series of actions that user would like to performs on an email. For example, if you receive a request from a customer and the request requires your […]

Getting more space for Microsoft Office Live Workspace

Good news for Microsoft Office Live Workspace users! Microsoft Office Live Workspace account will be upgraded to Windows Live SkyDrive very soon, which means it will become a part of Windows Live SkyDrive and as a result user’s space will be increased to 25GB SkyDrive from the current 5GB Workspace. The upgrade will be automatic and all your Workspace files will be moved to your SkyDrive automatically. The upgrade plan consists of two phases, during […]