Daily Archives: August 7, 2009

2 posts

Email via SMTP rejected by Windows Live mail account, but went through Hotmail account

Because my hosting comapny (IXWebhosting) blocks PHP’s mail() function, I have not be able to receive any email notification from my blog since then, it is one of the reasons I am thinking about switching to a new hosting company. But anyway, I found a WordPress plugin (WP Mail SMTP) that will enable me to use SMTP to send out emails, so I downloaded and installed it in my blog. It worked very well until […]

Virtualization feature in Windows 7 eases pain of upgrading Windows XP

For Windows XP users, a big concern of upgrading to Windows 7 is “Will my Windows XP applications still work in Windows 7”. Remember the nightmare that after upgrading to Windows Vista, many XP users found that their XP applications stopped working and had to roll back to XP? But fear no more, the incoming Windows 7 has a built-in virtualization feature that will enable XP applications to run in Windows 7 and it is […]