Monthly Archives: April 2009

4 posts

Invalid character in web.config comment causes “Unable to start debugging” error

When I tried to run a project today and got an “Unable to start debugging on the web server” error: According to the suggestion in the error message, I ran the project without debugging, and it did provide more information about the error: Parser Error Message: An XML comment cannot contain ‘–‘, and ‘-‘ cannot be the last character. Line 27, position 105. Source File: ******\web.config    Line: 27 In my web.config file, I commented out […]

Using AJAX ModalPopup with GridView control

This actually applies to other data controls such as Repeater and DataList, but here I will just focus on GridView control. On ASP.NET web site, there is a tutorial titled “using ModalPopup with a Repeater Control”. To make the ModalPopup work, the tutorial says that the ModalPopupExtender must be put within the <ItemTemplate> section of the Repeater control, but the popup panel is outside the Repeater control. The reason is that if the ModalPopupExtender control […]

Use FCKEditor to update record in ASP.NET

I wrote two posts on the integration and customization of FCKEditor in ASP.NET web application, today I will show how to use FCKEditor to update record. This demo consists of a GridView with an Edit button for each row which upon clicked will load a DetailsView, and the DetailsView has a field called Note where the FCKEditor is used to update it. 1. GridView layout: <asp:GridView ID=”gvCustomerList” runat=”server” AutoGenerateColumns=”False” CssClass=”grid” Width=”100%” CellPadding=”6″ DataKeyNames=”CustomerID”> <Columns> <asp:TemplateField […]

GMail new feature Autopilot released

Today, Google proudly released a new feature for GMail: Autopilot. This new feature will make your email communication super easy. It scans your email messages to build up a knowledge base and then generates auto reply email based on the content of the email message. During the learning period, it may not be very accurate, but the more you use it, the more accurate the auto email is. Here are some screen shots of Autopilot […]