Daily Archives: September 10, 2008

2 posts

Google Chrome vs. FireFox: some interesting things

Have been using Googl Chrome since it was released, and have found some interest things. First, I have to add “–no-sandbox” option to lauch Chrome, otherwise, I will get an initilization error. Secondly, it has a lot better memory release mechnism than FireFox and IE. Chrome only used about 96MB of memory with 13 tabs opened, but FireFox used about 142MB of memory with only 9 tabs opened. IE used even more memory.  However, I […]

Unable to start debugging on the web server

Is this error familiar to you? Error while trying to run project: Unable to start debugging on the web server.  Click Help for more information.       When you click Help button, you get a Topic Not Found page. It is caused by the wrong ASP.NET version the project runs under. It is very common if you have Visual Studio 2003 and 2005 on your machine, then .NET 2.0 will be the targeted by […]