Monthly Archives: March 2007

3 posts

VMWare Server on Fedora Core 6

I am a .NET developer and work with the Windows platform almost all the time, then why Linux out of a sudden? The reason is Virtulization. Every developer should have some kind of virtulization tool to help them test their applications under different environments. Microsoft’s Virtual PC may be an option. But the problem with MS Virtual PC is that if I install it on my Windows PC, then I have to maintain the security […]

I love this error message!

I got a 503 error message the other day when I was trying to write a post, which made me love the WordPress developers more. Why? Look at the screenshot of the error message and you will see: BTW, “Matt” is one of their developers. Don’t you love these guys? Maybe I should ask my supervisor if I can write an error message like this and put his name in it. 🙂